Sabtu, 16 November 2019


1.Why Learn Piano with Us?
From basic notes, fingering and chords, right through to melodies and harmonies... Us is your complete roadmap to playing and sounding like a pro, even if you've never tickled the ivories before.
Fast or slow, go at your own pace, complete solution including modern tutorials to play your favorite songs of today.
2. Is it right for you?
It doesn't matter if you are old, young or somewhere in the middle.
It doesn't matter if you're playing on a grand piano from the living room, or on a 60 key electric keyboard in the bedroom.
You will have the logical, scientifically proven approach to learning piano online in 30 days, thanks to the revolutionary Lateral Associative Learning model incorporated on each of our video lessons. (Same technique used in million dollar learning programs to learn a new language quickly!)
Whether you're a beginner looking to get some beautiful melodies singing from your fingers, or you're an intermediate who wants to get back into the swing after many years, this interactive, video based training program will have the lessons you need to take your piano skills to whatever level you desire.
3. How quickly will you learn?
Our promise is that you'll be playing at least ONE of your favorite songs on piano within 30 days.
Then, before you know it, you'll be reading, playing by ear, improvising and crafting your own unique blend of sweet music that the whole family and friends want to listen to.
And we're backing that up with a full guarantee... so you achieve success or it won't cost a penny.
4. Is it worth it?
The way We see it, learning piano is worth ten times the small entry fee we're asking for. That's why most people happily pay private tutors hundreds of dollars for a tenth of what we offer inside Learn  PianoIn 30 Days.
In fact, you can test drive it for just $1 for an entire 14 days, to put our claims to the test.
... look cool in front of your friends,
... impress a partner,
... get respect,
.... start a new career,
... have a rewarding hobby that brings self confidence and relaxation,
... improve your physical and mental health through relaxation and brain training,
... bring people together,
... be the star of a party,
... pass something down to your children, and leave your own little legacy,
It's all possible with your new found ability to play piano.
And remember,
 is a great option for learning piano online, because...
  • It's more affordable than private tutors...
  • There are no embarrassing mistakes or feeling rushed (or held back) by someone else...

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